
Approved by the FDA in 2015, the VenaSeal™ closure system is used to treat varicose veins and vein disease. VenaSeal™ uses a special medical adhesive to close the vein. It protects against the risk of nerve injury when treating the small saphenous vein. No tumescent anesthesia is required because this treatment avoids the discomfort associated with multiple needle sticks. And unlike heat-based varicose vein treatment procedures, VenaSeal avoids the risk of skin burns or nerve damage.

VenaSeal for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins that are caused by weak or damaged vein walls. If varicose veins are left untreated, they can lead to additional issues and hardening of the tissue in your legs. Vein Care Specialists’ highly skilled and trained interventional radiologists may recommend VenaSeal as a treatment option for your varicose veins. It is an office-based procedure with no downtime and VenaSeal has a demonstrated 94.6% closure rate at five years, making it one of the longest-lasting treatments for varicose veins available. In addition, this procedure does not require any post-treatment pain medication or the need to wear compression stockings. To schedule your consultation with Vein Care Specialists at our convenient Lakeland, Florida vein center, please call (863) 577-0269 to see if VenaSeal is the right vein treatment for you.

Benefits of VenaSeal™ include:

Treatment in less than an hour
Can be performed in the doctor’s office
No general anesthesia or hospitalization
Return to normal activity immediately – with little or no pain
Up to 97% success rate
Immediate relief of symptoms
No scars or stitches — the procedure does not require a surgical incision
Many insurances provide medical benefits for VenaSeal™ based on medical necessity for symptom relief

What to Expect

With VenaSeal, the use of numbing anesthesia is not generally necessary since only one needle stick is required. A very small catheter is inserted into the leg’s varicose vein. You may feel some pressure from the placement of the catheter. As the adhesive is delivered in small amounts through the catheter, you may also feel a mild “pulling” sensation.
A local anesthetic or “numbing medicine” is applied to the leg and the vein is entered with a very small needle. The laser fiber is inserted into the vein and produces laser energy that shrinks and seals the vein wall. The vast majority of patients experience no pain or bruising after the procedure, and you can resume normal activities immediately.


During your initial consultation with Vein Care Specialists, you will be asked several questions and your legs will be examined by our vein care specialist. Our vein care specialist will ask you about any problems you may have with your legs, such as pain, aching, itching or tenderness. You will also be asked about your medical history, medications you take, or conditions that would preclude you from having treatment.

Contact Vein Care Specialists

Vein Care Specialists is located in Lakeland, Florida and serves patients throughout Central Florida including the Plant City, Winter Haven, Kissimmee and Haines City communities. Call (863) 577-0269 today to learn more about VenaSeal as a varicose vein treatment for you with a consultation.

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